
May 27, 2020

Sacral Chakra: Symbolism and Focus

Updated: Nov 17, 2020

From the root we begin to move upward to the lower abdomen. Here we find the sacral chakra (“svadhishthana” or “svadhisthana” in sanskrit), the seat of emotion, sensuality, movement and creativity. Where the consciousness awakens in the first chakra, here the consciousness gains awareness of its senses and feelings. The second chakra is represented by the 6-petaled lotus, concentric circles and the moon, the element of water and the color orange.

Symbolism and Focus

- Circles symbolize movement, cycles and fluidity, like water. They also symbolize connection, as we begin to acknowledge the presence of others outside of ourselves.

- The moon, circular in nature, represents feminine qualities in many cultures, including feeling and emotion.

- The color orange is vibrant and filled with joy. It is the combination of the strength of the root’s red and the energy of the solar plexus’ yellow that gives vitality to the sacral chakra.

We move from the stable foundation within ourselves at the root chakra into the sacral chakra, where we can begin to make contact with others through our senses and feelings. The second chakra governs our basic right to feel and to want. Like the root, it holds power in the physical realm, where procreation is part of human instinct. However, it also represents our right to enjoy life, to feel kindness and excitement for ourselves, for others and for various parts of the human experience. We all deserve to feel pleasure on both the physical and emotional levels. We all deserve to express our emotions and to feel alive. A balanced sacral chakra has the ability to gracefully adapt to change. It can cherish itself while at the same time be comfortable in intimacy with healthy boundaries. It embraces the experience of life as a whole without hunting for pleasure or avoiding pain.

Design Notes

The design of the sacral chakra pin is one of my favorites. It was easy to incorporate the moon motif, since the concentric circles in the center already naturally form a crescent, and the other phases of the moon worked well in a cycle around the edge. The droplets of water were also easy to add to the lotus petals. However I wanted to do more with the center of the pin. It took a bit of playing around with different shapes, but I’m happy with the wave that I ended up with. It’s simple enough to be clear and leave negative space to let the design breathe, but is also recognizable as a symbol for water.

Continue with Part 2 of the Sacral Chakra guide here.

Credits and Resources:

Eastern Body Western Mind by Anodea Judith by Shai Tubali by Lizzy Martin

My Other Chakra Guides:

Chakras 101: Energy and Balance

Root Chakra: Part 1 and Part 2

Sacral Chakra: Part 1 and Part 2

Solar Plexus Chakra: Part 1 and Part 2

Heart Chakra: Part 1 and Part 2

Throat Chakra: Part 1 and Part 2

Third Eye Chakra: Part 1 and Part 2

Crown Chakra: Part 1 and Part 2